What is a Golf Rangefinder?
The Game of Golf is a traditional game, and up until recently, golfers were still pacing yardages and estimating how far they may be from the flag.
This impacted both the time it takes to play the game and the club selection for golfers.
Golfers would guess how far they are from the pin and then choose a golf club to use based on this information.
Golfers would pace from either the 100, 150 or 200 yard or metre markers and estimate how far they may be from the pin and what golf club they should use for their next shot.
In the mid to late 2000s, the Golf Rangefinder began making its way onto shelves and golfers were starting to use them for a precise distance to the pin.
This has made it easier for golfers to determine what club they should use on their next shot and helped with play pace.
What is a Golf Rangefinder exactly, and how does it help with a round of golf?
What is a Golf Rangefinder?
When it comes to golf rangefinders, they range from the most straightforward tool that gets information on the distance to the flag all the way up to highly sophisticated devices that give you distances to multiple targets with a GPS Feature.
Golf rangefinders are used to measure distances from the golfer to features on a golf course, such as the flagstick on a green or to a hazard. This can allow you to know precisely how far away you are to the green and adjust your club selection and what type of shot a golfer may wish to play.
Golf Rangefinders are a handy device that has made selecting a golf club based on distance easier.

How does a Golf Rangefinder Work?
The Golf Rangefinder uses a laser beam aimed at the target to determine its distance. A laser is beamed to the target, like the pin, and reflects back to the rangefinder.
This laser can be pointed at any target, and most rangefinders will have a range of at least 500 yards.
A Golf Rangefinder can take some getting used to, so it would be suggested to do some practice with the device before using it on the golf course.
They require a steady hand, but once a golfer gets used to targeting the flag and other targets, they become easy to use and a real asset to a golfers game.
Golf rangefinders work by estimating the angle between where you are and where you want to be, then calculating the distance based on this angle.
These devices use laser technology to measure distances accurately. Golfers aim the rangefinder at the target they want to measure, and the device emits a laser beam. The laser bounces off the target and returns to the rangefinder, allowing it to calculate the distance based on the time it takes for the laser to make the round trip.
Will a Golf Rangefinder Benefit my Game?
What if we told you that you had the potential to shave strokes off your score and improve your overall game dramatically? You can truly transform your golf game by adding a rangefinder to your arsenal of equipment and help determine how far you hit each ad every club in your bag.
A golf rangefinder will help determine the distance to a specific target, it can also be used to determine how far a player may hit every golf club in their bag.
A Golf Rangefinder will benefit the game of both the Amateur Golfer and the Professional golfer.
For a beginner golfer, it would be suggested to work on striking the ball more consistently before investing in a golf rangefinder. When learning the game, a golfer will hit many bad shots, to begin with, but once they are more confident, they will start to discover how far they hit each golf shot.
If you are a consistent enough player and can get the ball to fly the optimum way, investing in a golf rangefinder may be a decent idea to improve your game.
Having accurate distance information in your hand will help speed up play, but give a golfer vital details on their own game.
When is a Golf Rangefinder Used?
A golf rangefinder is a device that will help you narrow down the exact distance between your position and the “pin” (what we usually call the flag).
A Golf Rangefinder determines the distance to the hazard and the golf flag.
It is mainly used when a golfer is a consistent enough player, and they are inside around 200 yards from the flag. Some of the more accomplished players may use a Golf Rangefinder from over 200 yards, but this is mainly on long par 5s when trying to reach the green in 2.
A Golf Rangefinder is rarely used on the tee box, although sometimes golfers may use it to determine the distance to carry a tree, bunker or lake.
It is used for approach shots and helps golfers determine club selection for delicate shots.
Is a Golf Rangefinder legal to use in Tournament Play?
A Golf Rangefinder is legal for local competition play, but it is not permitted for professional tournaments in which professional golfers are competing for money.
Golf Professionals know their games very well and use a professional caddy when playing in some of the big tournaments.
Making a Golf Rangefinder legal for club competitions helps with the pace of play and helps golfers learn their games better.
For professional golfers competing on the big tours, it is not allowed, but most of these players know their games very well and have the use of a professional caddie, which is very good at determining distances and club selection.
What are the Best Golf Rangefinders?
There are now many different Golf Rangefinders on the market, and the best ones are the ones that provide an excellent visual and include slope readings.
Another feature that some of the better rangefinders include is Jolt Technology. This means that once the correct target, ie the flag, has been identified, the device will make a jolting sound to give a golfer piece of mind and confidence that they have the correct distance.
Some Golf Rangefinders also include a GPS Device built-in and helps determine distances to hazards and the front, middle and back of the green.
The Best Golf Rangefinders have all the features and benefits that a specific golfer maybe after and are also highly durable.

Where Can I Buy a Golf Rangefinder?
A Golf Rangefinder can be purchased at a Golf Retail Outlet, Golf Pro Shop on a golf course, or the many Online Golf Stores available.
Golfers can shop around, and many different companies produce a top-quality range finder. One of the leaders in Golf Rangefinder Technology is Bushnell Golf.
It would always be suggested to do some research in terms of what features and benefits a player may need. For example, there are many different Golf Rangefinders available, some are expensive and better quality, but some of the less expensive ones will still do the job.
Golf rangefinders are a revolutionary tool for any golfer. They help you find the precise distance from your position to the pin giving you confidence in your club selection.
Rangefinders are used to find out the distance of any given object. This comes in handy when you want to know how far you are from a specific trap (hole) on the golf course. Knowing your distance with a golf rangefinder is the most accurate way of determining the right club to use in a yardage situation.
Golfers use rangefinders to measure the exact distance to the pin or another object on a golf course.
Golf rangefinders are used to measure the distance between the player and a specific location on the course.
In golf, it is essential to know how far you are from your target to make the correct club selection so a golfer can begin to lower their scores.
Rangefinders are handheld units that use a laser to locate distances to objects such as flags and bunkers. These devices help golfers improve their accuracy, particularly with long-distance shots.
If you want to learn more about golf and some of the equipment needed, visit some of the links below.
Great Post on Golf Rangefinders and can really see how they might help a golfer.
I look forward to some more of future posts.
No Problem
There will be more posts in the future to keep the game nice and simple.